This last Saturday Jared had an audition out in Seattle. As a result, I was the sole caretaker for Ryann. Not a problem. I've done it before. Plus it's my day off. I had a relaxing fun day planned for us. You know what comes next.
Instead of sleeping in, as I had hoped, Ryann was awake at 5:30.
We had a fun getting breakfast and she went down for her morning nap like a champ. I then got ready, pulled out all the music I would need for the evening mass I play for, and sat down to relax for a bit. Because of the timing of her nap we ended up missing Sabbath School and the chance to play with her little cousin, Amiah. However, I wasn't too worried about it, since we were going to have the chance to hang out some more that afternoon. We got to church, said hi to some friends, and jumped in the car to go over to my Grammo's. Then I remembered that my music was back on the kitchen table.
Back home.
Then to Grammo's.
Because of all the running around we had plowed straight through Ryann's lunchtime and had snacked a fair amount. As a result, when we did get to Grammo's, Ryann was completely uninterested in eating. I ran to mass and then ran back to pick up Ryann. I was excited because Jared would be getting back shortly, but he was hungry and there was no food at home. Plus I needed to return a Redbox movie, but I hoped to be able to go to the one that was outside so that I didn't have to unload and reload Ryann.
The outside Redbox had four people in line. Four creepy people.
To the store!
Random papercut.
Ryann fell asleep on the way to the store. Really really asleep. As in, I pulled her out of the car and tried to sit her up and she just fell over like a drunk man. I hadn't packed a blanket, so I carried her through the store and steered the cart with my thumb. Ouch.
I was annoyed. Really really annoyed. But as I bumped through the store juggling my little girlie I felt more and more relaxed and happy. And here is what I learned that day.
No one can stay angry while holding a sleeping baby. Really.