Sunday, October 28, 2012


I have successfully completed my first week back to work and will be starting my second bright and early in the morning. I'm starting back just for the mornings until mid-December, at which point I'll start full-time. Other than the ridiculously crazy carpool schedule that Jared and I have worked out, I've actually been enjoying myself a ton! (Even the carpooling is somewhat fun since it means I get to hang out with Jared a bit more. Plus, I love driving.) I've decided that it's time to start back to writing on here. I gave myself permission to neglect the blog while I was on my maternity leave, mostly due to the fact that Clifton has an apparent hatred for the sound of a clacking keyboard and has repeatedly (easily) succeeded in interrupting my few half-hearted attempts to write. Who wants to continue typing when there's a wriggling baby asking to be cuddled? Not me!

We are feeling pretty settled in as a family of four-minus-one at this point. We've pretty much figured out Clifton's current quirks, likes, and dislikes. Although, now that we have he's no doubt gearing up for a change. So far his favorite thing is being outside. (Well, that and boobs) This little guy would be happy being in the fresh air 24/7. As a result, we've already put many miles on the stroller and the Moby wrap. Love them both to pieces.

Although I wouldn't categorize Clifton as a fussy baby, he definitely trends more heavily in that direction than Ryann ever did. Ryann was always incredibly independent and happy. Although she kept us running with her daredevil ways and high energy level, she fussed very little and was always extraordinarily happy. Clifton has his moments where he's a little fuss-bucket and sometimes an all out screamer! But he makes up for it with his more cuddly nature. And really, it's sometimes good to feel so needed!

We're quickly closing in on Ryann's 3rd birthday (November 4) and occasionally find ourselves thinking about what things would be like with two kids in the house. We're planning on taking Clif out to the cemetery on Ryann's birthday. It will be the first time we 'introduce' them. A far cry from how it should be.