Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Clif's Re-Gifted Mobile

When I found out I was pregnant with Ryann, my sister began working on a mobile to hang above her crib. She chose to use bright felted birds, which interestingly enough is the animal that both Jared and I have found ourselves most closely associating with Ryann. Bright, lively, agile, inquisitive birds.

As is the tendency with approximately fifty percent of the projects my sister and I each take up, this one was partly finished and then forgotten. Ryann outgrew the general mobile age. Mei was born. The birdies were occasionally worked on with Mei now in mind. After Ryann died and another wee babe was imminent, Kristin finished up the birds once and for all and brought them for the kid-brother of the original giftee. They are now sitting on our piano waiting to be hung from the staff Jared carried as his latest stage-self to make up a ridiculously meaningful and cumbersome mobile.

I love that Clif will have these sweet reminders of his own dear sis suspended above his head while he sleeps.


  1. Those are so sweet and how precious they will be shared with Ryann's darling memory.

  2. First of all, these are gorgeous. Secondly, I love the meaning behind every piece of the mobile.
