Saturday, October 8, 2011

Natural Family Farming

Brings back memories of working on the dairy at Platte Valley Academy.

Okay, maybe not quite. But this did completely make my evening.


  1. this is hilarious.

  2. Well, my 7-month-old enjoyed it :) and so did I -laura z (oh, wait, s)

  3. *snort...snicker...gasp for breath* PVA's dairy NEVER looked that good. Neither did the milkers... sad. I think it would have made getting up at 1 a.m. much easier. Though, someone forgot to tell one of them to either manscape or button the shirt. o_O - MM

  4. BAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness. I loved the choreographed dancing with shovels...and the chicken bit...and the singing to the cow...oh okay fine...I loved this whole thing. And trying not to laugh out loud at work while watching this was a trick. Oh, what? Why was I watching this at work you ask? Um, I - oh, hang on, someone just texted me...
